v2.5 [Sep 17, 2014]
Terra-formed 3D UTM tiles.
v2.3 [May 31, 2013]
The new features in brief:
Georeferencing option using Triangulated Irregular Networks for distorted maps and plans.
Option to save pre-processed raster image (cropping, resolution) as a file before georeferencing.
Support for MicroDEM format version 3.
Enhanced GeoTIFF export option for DEMs with support for geographic coordinates.
Live track log option for GPS devices.
Export option for georeferenced raster maps as a .kmz package for some GarminĀ® GPS models.
Documentation: New tutorial for TIN georeferencing.
Documentation: New tutorial for USGS National Map WMS.
It lets you work with lighting, video, moving scenery, lasers and water jets.
P2ware PLE is a set of very effective tools to plan and manage projects.
It is a 3D modeling and animation tool based on Discreet's award-winning 3d max